What is Electrolysis?
Electrolysis is the only method approved by the FDA for permanent removal of unwanted hair. As the hair is treated, regrowth is prevented rather than just removed temporarily. Only Electrolysis provides both hair removal and hair elimination.
Will Electrolysis work for me?
Almost certainly. Electrolysis is effective for all skin types and hair colors, and areas of the body.
What is the science behind Electrolysis?
A small electric current is transmitted by a fine, sterile probe (or needle) directly into the natural opening of the hair follicle, destroying the dermal papilla, the matrix, and an area called “the bulge”, all of which cause hair to grow and regenerate.
Why do people get Electrolysis hair removal?
Maybe it’s just an unwelcome maintenance routine that takes a lot of time, but often, unwanted hair creates self-consciousness serious enough to impair relationships with other people. If unwanted hair gets in the way of your confidence, social life, work, sports, schedules or even self-expression, this is your opportunity to act.
Is all Electrolysis the same?
There are three modalities of Electrolysis used today – Galvanic (current produces a chemical reaction), Thermolysis (short-wave which produces heat) and a modality that blends the two. They all result in effective permanent hair removal.
Does Electrolysis have any side effects on the skin?
Immediately following treatment, there may be a temporary redness or tenderness, which varies with each individual. The latest technology has made Electrolysis more comfortable and effective than ever before. Your Electrologist will provide you with post treatment instructions and any personal attention you may need. You are assured of the best care from a skilled hair removal professional.
How does Electrolysis work?
Based on a personal and confidential consultation, your Electrologist will design a treatment plan that addresses your specific hair removal needs. A professional Electrologist inserts a very fine needle (usually thinner than the hair being treated) into the natural opening of the hair follicle alongside the hair shaft. A tiny amount of electrical current is then applied to destroy the hair growth cells.
What are modalities?
Medical Electrolysis devices can destroy the hair growth cells with chemical energy, heat energy, or both. The method chosen by the Electrologist is the modality. All are effective. There are three modalities in current use: Galvanic Electrolysis is a chemical process. The current produces a chemical reaction in the hair follicle eliminating the hair growth cells. Thermolysis (also called short-wave) produces heat. This modality heats and destroys the hair growth cells in the follicle. A higher intensity current can be applied for less time in the follicle, or current can be used at lower intensity with longer timing. The Blend method combines galvanic current with thermolysis current. Thermolysis heats up the chemical reaction in the follicle destroying hair growth cells.
What does Electrolysis feel like?
You’ll probably feel a momentary heat sensation or pinch. Discomfort is minimal for most people, but individual tolerances vary. Keep in mind that some areas of the body are much less sensitive than others. Many people read, listen to music or even take a nap while being treated.
What about after treatment?
Immediately following treatment, you may experience slight redness or tenderness which usually disappears in a couple of hours. There is very little risk of complication or serious skin irritation with Electrolysis performed by a skilled practitioner. For the first 24 hours following treatment, it’s best to avoid activity that could introduce bacteria into the treated area and irritate hair follicles such as excessive sweating, swimming, tanning and prolonged sun exposure or make-up application.
How long will my Electrolysis treatment take?
Depending on the area you want cleared, it could be a few minutes for a followup appointment to an hour for a larger area. Most people who follow the recommended treatment plan can expect to be completed or nearly completed within 18 months. Factors such as hair growth cycles, the quantity and structure of hair presented, previous use of temporary hair removal methods, heredity, hormone function, certain medications and stress influence the treatment program for each individual.
Are all hairs eliminated in one treatment or is regrowth to be expected?
Excessive hair growth, also known as Hirsutism, can range from fine, Vellus hair to dark, coarse hair on the face and body. Breaking down the hair growth cells on deep, coarse hairs may require more than one treatment. Based on a personal and confidential consultation, your Electrologist will design a treatment plan that addresses your specific hair removal needs.
Is Electrolysis permanent?
Electrolysis stands alone as the permanent alternative to lifetime maintenance. Yes, it is. No other hair-removal solution can claim the universal acceptability and success offered by Electrolysis treatments. Electrolysis safely and permanently removes all types of hair from all skin tones. Electrolysis permanently destroys the growth cells of the hair follicle, preventing treated hairs from ever growing back. Treatment can be applied to most facial and body parts including eyebrows, chin, upper and lower lip, jaw line, sides of the face, breasts, underarms, abdomen, bikini line, fingers and toes, legs and back. Most other methods focus on immediate, but temporary, hair removal – visible hair, or hair that’s inside the follicle but hasn’t yet emerged. None of them deliver permanent elimination of unwanted hair. See the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) report, Removing Hair Safely.
Why should I choose Electrolysis over temporary methods like waxing?
Unlike other hair removal options, professionally performed Electrolysis eliminates unwanted hair, permanently, with unsurpassed results. Moreover, it does so for the largest variety of skin and hair types. Waxing, threading and tweezing are alike. With all of these, ingrown hairs and discoloration may result. Additionally, they may cause an increase in hair growth activity. Depilatories and shaving can cause an irritation to the skin while the hair regrows quickly. These methods can require a lifetime of maintenance. Many can appear inexpensive but cost more due to long term use and are found to be inconvenient.
Are all hairs eliminated in one treatment or is regrowth to be expected?
Hairs have differing cycles of growth, many of which are not visible on the surface of the skin at the same time. The follicle produces the hair from the blood supply, and discards it eventually through shedding. The process of growth, rest, and replacement are known as the hair growth cycle. Since individual hairs are in different phases of the cycle at any given time, multiple treatments may be required to remove unwanted hair. Excessive hair growth, also known as Hirsutism, can range from fine, Vellus hair to dark, coarse hair on the face and body. Breaking down the hair growth cells on deep, coarse hairs may require more than one treatment. Based on a personal and confidential consultation, your Electrologist will design a treatment plan that addresses your specific hair removal needs.
How does Electrolysis compare to other hair removal methods?
Unlike other hair removal options, professionally performed Electrolysis eliminates unwanted hair, permanently, with unsurpassed results. Moreover, it does so for the largest variety of skin and hair types. Other methods may appear to be less expensive or more convenient, but these seeming advantages fade quickly when you consider the need for long term use and lifetime maintenance. Electrolysis works on most areas of the body to give you permanently smooth, sleek, healthy-looking skin. No other solution can claim such universal acceptability and success.
What’s the best hair removal treatment for you? The answer depends on whether you’re searching for permanent hair removal or just a temporary solution. Electrolysis is the only hair removal method recognized as permanent by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Does that make Electrolysis the best hair removal method? Millions of people think it does.
How much does Electrolysis cost?
When compared to the expense of a lifetime of shaving, depilatories, or laser treatments, the permanence of Electrolysis makes it a wise investment in yourself. Electrolysis costs depend on a lot of factors including: how much hair needs to be removed, the size of area being treated, and where you get your services performed. Generally, a large city is going to have higher rates than a small town. Overall, Electrolysis cost compares very favorably to other hair removal methods, including laser hair removal. When considering the long-term, recurring treatments required with other methods, Electrolysis is a good investment.
How many treatments are required with Electrolysis?
The number of treatments necessary varies with each client. The amount of hair, the methods used to hide hair before treatment, genetics, hormones, nutrition and health of the individual will all be factors that determine how many treatments or sessions will be required. For areas that have been waxed or tweezed, treatments will be more frequent than for areas that have been shaved. Treatment sessions can range from 15 minutes to more than an hour depending on the area being treated. To achieve optimum results, it is important to follow the recommended treatment plan.
How often should I schedule Electrolysis treatments?
Electrolysis clients might schedule 5 minutes for just a couple of annoying hairs on their chin or they might schedule hour or longer appointments to treat larger areas like heavy facial growth or legs. The frequency and length of your appointments depends on the size of the area being cleared and the progress of your treatment. In general, treatments on a particular area are longest and most frequent at the beginning. Treatment length and frequency then tapers off as fewer and fewer hairs remain to be treated. For best results, follow the Electrologist’s recommendations in scheduling appointments.
Can women begin or have Electrolysis treatments during pregnancy?
Unwanted hair can be caused by hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy. Electrolysis can be performed on any normal skin. This includes pregnant women. We suggest that you seek the advice of your physician before beginning treatment.